

Turn blocks of text into phrases you can organize.

Sometimes your material for a Braincat project includes an article, web page, or other block of text.

Braincat includes a unique function called TextBreaker™ which allows you to import a block of text and turn it into phrases. You can then categorize and sequence the phrases how you like.

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How TextBreaker Works

Here’s how it works. You choose the COPY & PASTE option in Braincat, paste your text into the window, and click ADD.

Your text is instantly broken into phrases ready for you to organize.

Each Phrase is a “Unit of Thought”

You can think of each phrase as a “unit of thought,” ready for you to categorize in Braincat. And of course you can ignore any phrase that’s not useful.

TextBreaker greatly increases the power of Braincat to help you organize your ideas and information, giving you total freedom over your material.

Textbreaker Phrases
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