
Double Your Mind-Mapping Power with Reverse Mind-Mapping

Get more from mind-mapping with this exciting new software tool, and quickly master your ideas and information.

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“It’s just magic.”

Felicitas Lind



“Phenomenal tool.”

Ryan Walker



“A game changer”

Bianca Elliott

From Chaos to Clarity!

Braincat is the digital tool that unlocks this powerfully simple thinking process:

Step 1


Pour everything in, just as it comes

Step 2


Quickly sort and sequence your ideas

Step 3


Display and share with others

Patent Pending
Rev. Tony Franklin

“Braincat takes my jumbled thoughts and helps me achieve the laser-focus I need to communicate well throughout my work week.”

Rev. Tony Franklin


Personal and group brainstorming
Studying books, websites, articles etc.
Note-taking in meetings
Preparing lessons and courses in meetings
Planning articles, speeches, books
Designing new creations
Doing research
Solving complex problems
Building strategies
Exploring personal challenges
Managing your life

Braincat is used and loved by writers… entrepreneurs… executives… consultants… educators… students… ministers… designers… therapists… marketers… researchers… and more.

Try Braincat Free

“I finally have a place to collect and categorize ideas, insights, etc. I’ve tried many different apps and ways to keep up with info, and Braincat is the only one that works for me!”

Letitia Stones

Letitia Stones

Mind Mapping… Reversed!

Conventional mind mapping is a great tool for visualizing ideas. But it assumes you know your starting point.

Braincat assumes nothing. It begins where you are, with a mass of unsorted ideas and data.

Then it quickly reveals the hidden essentials in a simple, editable mind map.

Note-Taking for Action

It’s easy to take pages of notes… but what do you do with them later?

Braincat lets you enter your notes randomly, just as they come. Then it quickly helps you organize and simplify them.

Now you can turn your notes into actions.

The Power of Questions

Questions open the mind.

Braincat presents you with fun and challenging questions to ignite your creativity.

There are questions to get you started when you’re stuck, to help you make decisions, to plan your writing, and more.


Our goal is to share the Braincat process with as many people as possible, so we’ve kept our prices low.

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Most Popular $7.45

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Unlimited projects.

All basic features PLUS all additional features to power your thinking.

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Best Value!
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Jon Ward

About Braincat

Braincat was created by Jon Ward to help people think better. He says about the program:

“Mind-mapping is one of the most powerful thinking tools ever developed and mind map software is used by millions of people worldwide. The value of mind-mapping is that it presents ideas in an ordered, but non-linear, fashion. It provides a way to think visually. And with the right software it allows you to explore, expand and adapt your ideas.

Every mind map tool follows the same basic logic. You begin with a simple concept in the center. You then branch out, establishing a few key ideas around this central concept. From those key ideas, you branch out again, adding more detail. The process can continue indefinitely, producing a large radial map showing all the material you are working with.

This kind of mind mapping utility is based on a simple assumption: that you know where to start. However, in some situations, that just isn’t the case. The “big idea” may not be your starting point at all. It could be your destination—the thing you’re looking for!

Another assumption of mind-mapping is that your objective is to generate increasing detail, adding more and more content to simple ideas. For this purpose, it is extremely well suited. However, sometimes you already have a mass of detail, and it’s not yet organized. For example, if you have pages of notes from a conference. It’s possible to use a mind mapping tool for this purpose, but it’s not easy. A better process would be reverse mind mapping.

Reverse mind mapping begins where conventional mind mapping ends: with all the detail. It then looks for the key ideas that will best organize this detail. And finally it arrives at the “big idea” in the center.

Reverse mind mapping uses the brain differently from conventional mind mapping. Reverse mind mapping uses the pattern-seeking function of the brain, answering the question: “What belongs with what?” Conventional mind mapping uses the associative function of the brain, answering the question, “What leads to what?” Both functions are extremely powerful, and both have their place in thinking. That’s why it’s good to have both a tool for conventional mind-mapping and a tool, like Braincat, for reverse mind-mapping.”

Jon is a writer, editor and brand consultant. He is a Strategic Consultant to Calroy Health Sciences and an Adjunct Consultant to the Sheffield Group. He is editor of the recently published book MC24, by design thinker Bruce Mau.

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